- 对框架返回的信息的本地化
- 对数据库表项目的本地化
- 对页面文字的本地化
实现对 英文,中文,日文 三种语言的支持
# 为本地化处理加一个过滤器 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_locale protected def set_locale session[:locale] = params[:locale] if params[:locale] I18n.locale = session[:locale] || I18n.default_locale end end
I18n.default_locale = 'en' LOCALES_DIRECTORY = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/locales/" LANGUAGES = { 'English' => 'en', '中文' => 'zh', '日本語' => 'ja' }
en: number: currency: format: unit: "¥" layout: title: "Xi-yang-yang Wedding Garden" side: home: "Home" faq: "Questions" news: "News" contact: "Contact" cart: title: "Your Cart" total: "Total" checkout: "Checkout" empty_cart: "Empty Cart"
zh: number: currency: format: unit: "¥" precision: 2 separator: "." delimiter: "," format: "%u%n" activerecord: errors: # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization. messages: inclusion: "必须是表内的值" #is not included in the list exclusion: "保留" # is reserved" invalid: "无效" # "is invalid" confirmation: "与确认值不一致" # "doesn't match confirmation" accepted: "必须被接受" # "must be accepted" empty: "不能为空" # "can't be empty" blank: "不能为空白" # "can't be blank" too_long: "超长(最長{{count}})" # "is too long (maximum is {{count}} characters)" too_short: "超短(最短{{count}})" # "is too short (minimum is {{count}} characters)" wrong_length: "长度不对(字数必须为{{count}})" # "is the wrong length (should be {{count}} characters)" taken: "该值已经存在" # "has already been taken" not_a_number: "不是数字" # "is not a number" greater_than: "必须大于{{count}}" # "must be greater than {{count}}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "不得小于{{count}}" # "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}" equal_to: "必须等于{{count}}" # "must be equal to {{count}}" less_than: "必须小于{{count}}" # "must be less than {{count}}" less_than_or_equal_to: "不得大于{{count}}" # "must be less than or equal to {{count}}" odd: "必须为奇数" # "must be odd" even: "必须为偶数" # "must be even" record_invalid: "验证失败: {{errors}}" # "Validation failed: {{errors}}" template: header: one: "1个错误发生导致处理失败" # "1 error prohibited this {{model}} from being saved" other: "{{count}}个错误发生导致处理失败" # "{{count}} errors prohibited this {{model}} from being saved" body: "以下的项目出错" # "There were problems with the following fields:" model: order: "订购" attributes: order: name: "姓名" address: "地址" email: "E-mail" pay_type: "付款方式" layout: title: "喜洋洋婚庆花苑" side: home: "主页" faq: "常见问题" news: "新信息" contact: "联系" cart: title: "你的购物车" total: "合计" checkout: "购买" empty_cart: "清空购物车"
ja: number: currency: format: unit: "¥" precision: 2 separator: "." delimiter: "," format: "%u%n" activerecord: errors: # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization. messages: inclusion: "リストには含まれていません" #is not included in the list exclusion: "保留" # is reserved" invalid: "無効です" # "is invalid" confirmation: "一致していません" # "doesn't match confirmation" accepted: "設定しないとなりません" # "must be accepted" empty: "空にしてはいけません" # "can't be empty" blank: "空白にしてはいけません" # "can't be blank" too_long: "長すぎ(最長{{count}}桁数)" # "is too long (maximum is {{count}} characters)" too_short: "短すぎ(最短{{count}}桁数)" # "is too short (minimum is {{count}} characters)" wrong_length: "桁数が不正({{count}}桁数)" # "is the wrong length (should be {{count}} characters)" taken: "もう設定されていました" # "has already been taken" not_a_number: "数字ではありません" # "is not a number" greater_than: "{{count}}より大きくしないといけません" # "must be greater than {{count}}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "{{count}}以上にしないといけません" # "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}" equal_to: "{{count}}ではないといけません" # "must be equal to {{count}}" less_than: "{{count}}より小さくしないといけません" # "must be less than {{count}}" less_than_or_equal_to: "{{count}}以下にしないといけません" # "must be less than or equal to {{count}}" odd: "奇数にしないといけません" # "must be odd" even: "偶数にないといけません" # "must be even" record_invalid: "検証失敗: {{errors}}" # "Validation failed: {{errors}}" template: header: one: "1個のエラーが発生したため処理が失敗しました" # "1 error prohibited this {{model}} from being saved" other: "{{count}}個のエラーが発生したため処理が失敗しました" # "{{count}} errors prohibited this {{model}} from being saved" body: "以下のフィールドにエラーが発生しました" # "There were problems with the following fields:" model: order: "注文" attributes: order: name: "名前" address: "住所" email: "E-mail" pay_type: "支払方法" layout: title: "喜洋々ウエディングガーデン" side: home: "ホーム" faq: "よくある質問" news: "ニュース" contact: "お問い合わせ" cart: title: "あなたのカート" total: "合計" checkout: "チェックアウト" empty_cart: "カートをクリア"